Create your account today to apply for these free services!

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Ready to explore a career in construction or other skilled trades?  The Workforce Development Institute (WDI) is accepting applications for its free programs.  In just a few weeks, you can be ready to enter an apprenticeship as an Electrician, Carpenter, Bricklayer, Plumber, Laborer or other trade.

ALL TRADES ARE HIRING APPRENTICES IN MICHIGAN!  Thousands of jobs are open.  As an apprentice, you are paid to learn.  Our programs typically offer a weekly stipend, to help offset your costs, and our case managers can help you access additional supports (help with child care, transportation, etc.) so that you can successfully complete our programs. 

Most WDI graduates are offered an apprenticeship as soon as they finish their program.  Our success is possible because government grants cover all costs, we hire staff and instructors who have backgrounds in the skilled trades, and unions and contractors work closely with us to provide our students with on-the-job experience as well as classroom instruction and safety training.

Create an account and submit an interest form, and we will be in touch to start your journey to a great career.

Note:  Your information is always handled with care.  WDI will never sell or share your information to any other business or organization. 

Get started now by creating your account!

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